Letter from the Principal

Dear Community Member or Visitor,

The Purchase School Community takes great pride in our commitment to the core values of equity, access, rigor, and adaptability. This website is a reflection of these beliefs and our dedication to excellence.  Purchase School is one of four elementary schools in the Harrison Central School District that share many characteristics and aligns itself with these core values. Faculty and staff  are committed to providing individualized learning opportunities for students by providing  high quality academic core classes and  enriching student experiences that create a balanced approach to growth and development.

The Purchase School is a close knit school community, located in the Town of Harrison. We value strong, parental partnerships in creating a healthy school culture and relationships that support student growth. Our educators are life-long learners who continue to collaborate and grow in order to meet the needs of our students. A highly qualified and dedicated staff educates approximately 330 students with diverse learning profiles in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.  

Each of our elementary schools maintain a common focus on challenging students academically while supporting their social and emotional development. Instruction is built around rigor, student engagement, collaboration, critical thinking and reflection. Faculty and staff are highly trained and engage in ongoing professional development throughout their careers ensuring that teaching and learning support the unique learning needs of every child. Extra-curricular activities and events are supported by the District and our very active PTA, providing enriching experiences that strengthen and nurture student relationships and  our school community. Our shared mission is for students to be engaged in and enjoy learning, to feel safe and supported, and maximize their unique capacities as they stretch and challenge themselves in all aspects of school life.

We create a strong foundation in elementary school, preparing students for success as they move through middle school and high school. The Harrison Central School District is among the most cutting-edge and dynamic district’s in New York State and the nation. I encourage you to examine our high school profile by clicking HERE.

Parents will find these web-based  resources and tools useful and informative in navigating your child’s school experience. Visitors have the opportunity to learn more about our extraordinary learning community.  Our strong partnership with parents is essential in creating extraordinary outcomes for our students, and we welcome questions from visitors considering our community as a place to educate your children.


Adam Gutterman